Monday, July 21, 2014

Beauty Benefits of Exercising!

     Hello Everyone! I’m bringing you guys some information on the benefits of exercising! I always try to exercise at least 3-4 days in a week and today I’m going to tell you about some not so obvious beauty benefits of exercising!
     Everyone knows about how exercising is great for your heart, lungs, muscles, and mind, but did you know your workouts can help out your skin? It’s true!

     While active, your blood will pump faster throughout your body, which has some rather favorable affects. I have a rather helpful quote from Ellen Marmur, MD, who is also a professor of dermatology, “Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body, including the skin.” More nutrients and oxygen to the skin means healthier and more glowing skin!

     Blood flow also “helps carry away waste products from skin” (Marmur).  This is like cleaning your skin from the cells inside!

     Managing stress is extremely important, not only for your mind, but for your skin as well! Controlling stress through exercise even reduces wrinkles!

     A word of caution: be wary of where you are exercising. When exercising in the sun, always use sunscreen! All of the benefits from exercising are cancelled out when you have unprotected skin!

     After working out, be sure to cleanse and moisturize! Sweat and dirt is obviously awful for skin!

     Alright and that just about wraps it up! I hope this gave you a little more information or gave you some motivation to get your exercise in!

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